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A+ Rating. 84,582+

families served since 2020.

A+ Rating. 84,582+

families served since 2020.

Security is a priority, not an option.

Strong Point Life has guided thousands of families across America towards getting coverage for themselves or their loved ones.

Security is a priority, not an option.

Strong Point Life has guided thousands of families across America towards

getting coverage for themselves or their loved ones.

Security is a priority

Why Mortgage Protection matters.

Secure your home and family with Mortgage Protection Insurance, covering payments in illness, death, or serious injury, ensuring peace of mind.

Security is a priority

Why Mortgage Protection matters.

Secure your home and family with Mortgage Protection Insurance, covering payments in illness, death, or serious injury, ensuring peace of mind.

Frequently asked questions

What is Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a vital financial tool designed to provide a payout upon the insured's passing. Usually, these policies designate a chosen beneficiary who will receive the benefit in the event of the insured's demise. The primary aim of life insurance is to support families in coping with the financial repercussions of a loved one's death, illness, or serious injury. It serves as a lifeline, helping families maintain financial stability following the loss of income, while also aiding in covering remaining medical and funeral costs.

Are quotes free?

Yes they are! Our process is simple, just fill out your information above and a licensed agent in your area will reach out with a custom quote for your situation. Agents partnered with Strong Point Life work with multiple carriers, ensuring you will get the best price and coverage for your circumstances.

Who can be my beneficiary?

Selecting a beneficiary for your life insurance policy offers numerous possibilities. While many individuals opt for their spouse or children, alternative choices abound. You have the flexibility to designate benefits to your estate, a charitable organization, or even a trust with multiple beneficiaries.

How can I compare companies?

The goal of Strong Point Life is to make life insurance shopping easy. Once you a paired with a licensed agent in your area, they will work with you directly to find the best coverage across multiple carriers for you and your family.

Frequently asked questions

What is Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a vital financial tool designed to provide a payout upon the insured's passing. Usually, these policies designate a chosen beneficiary who will receive the benefit in the event of the insured's demise. The primary aim of life insurance is to support families in coping with the financial repercussions of a loved one's death, illness, or serious injury. It serves as a lifeline, helping families maintain financial stability following the loss of income, while also aiding in covering remaining medical and funeral costs.

Are quotes free?

Yes they are! Our process is simple, just fill out your information above and a licensed agent in your area will reach out with a custom quote for your situation. Agents partnered with Strong Point Life work with multiple carriers, ensuring you will get the best price and coverage for your circumstances.

Who can be my beneficiary?

Selecting a beneficiary for your life insurance policy offers numerous possibilities. While many individuals opt for their spouse or children, alternative choices abound. You have the flexibility to designate benefits to your estate, a charitable organization, or even a trust with multiple beneficiaries.

How can I compare companies?

The goal of Strong Point Life is to make life insurance shopping easy. Once you a paired with a licensed agent in your area, they will work with you directly to find the best coverage across multiple carriers for you and your family.

Get your FREE quote

Take the first step towards protecting your family

with a customized quote for your needs.

Get your FREE quote

Take the first step towards protecting your family with a customized quote.

Copyright 2024 Strong Point Life | All Rights Reserved

Strong Point Life

(PO Box #25122, St. Paul, MN 55129)

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Copyright 2024 Strong Point Life | All Rights Reserved

Strong Point Life

(PO Box #25122, St. Paul, MN 55129)

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